
Boost efficiency with strong palletizing systems

In Aplica we can deliver all types of palletization and turnkey packaging lines.

Aplica is a specialist in palletizing solutions, where everything is designed to fit the specific production. We design systems for all types of products, whether in bags, boxes or anything else - and we can scale it to exactly the capacity you need.

Our development department designs a total solution based on our well-tested standard systems to match your specific needs. Often there are several different processes and more robots involved in a palletization solution. And with multiple operations at a high pace on a limited area, you need tailor-made solutions so quality never fails.

Spare your employees

With robots for palletizing, you get better efficiency, a homogeneous output and higher reliability. Therefore, there is a lot of money to save, by making your palletizing more efficient.

However, the main advantage of automating palletization is that it protects the individual employee from heavy lifting. There is no need to rely on repetitive, manual work when it can be done much faster and better with a reliable palletizing solution. It's actually the direct way to well-being among your employees.

Need more information?

Give us a call on: 43 44 33 00 or send us an email:

  • We put together the perfect solution for you
  • We provide ready-made solutions
  • We ensure that employess are spared heavy lifting