
Cobots strengthens your competitiveness

Cobots, collaborative robots, collaborative robotic arms - the robot that can boost competitiveness has many names.

The cooperating robot arm has a great potential for manufacturing companies where the volume is relatively small, and the variation is high. It can typically be moved around in the production and switch to more thanone process in production. It is relatively easy for ordinary production staff to control and program the robot for other tasks.

Cobots should not only be an opportunity where it works with people, but also as a new colleague who can be trained to fill a position in the production line.

The collaborative robots do not require in-depth programming skills. Collaborative robots can carry out hard-wearing and hard-to-work tasks, enabling employees to produce faster and more efficiently. Companies withcollaborative robots can produce products at a competitive price to a greater extent, compared to products produced in countries with cheaper labor cost.

At the same time, companies can benefit from employees who are freed up, and then instead be upgraded for new, creative production methods and process optimizations.

The cooperating robot arm is characterized by being user-friendly so that the company achieves the flexible automation solution. At the same time, the stressful work tasks that can be inappropriate in relation to theworking environment and competitiveness are removed and the company's productivity is increased.


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Give us a call on: 43 44 33 00 or send us an email:

  • We know the possibilities and find the solution to your specific needs
  • We have experience in automation in many types of industries
  • We ensure you get the maximum benefit from your investment