Loctite Big Foot – anti-slip

Loctite Big Foot - Anti-slip coating for where you go

Loctite's new Big Foot anti-slip products provide tough and long-lasting anti-slip surfaces, which means extra safety to prevent slipping and falls.

Big Foot coatings can withstand both heavy traffic and harsh environments.

Your advantages:

  • Long lasting and works better than sand and paint
  • Resists aggressive chemicals such as gasoline, fuel and hydraulic fluid
  • Increases the safety of walkways, ramps and entrances
  • The products are for indoor and outdoor use

Loctite Big Foot is available in two variants, distinguishing between pedestrian and driving traffic.

Loctite Big Foot - Heavy Duty

This product is suitable for areas with many pedestrian or light rolling traffic. Big Foot Heavy Duty is ideal for ramps, walkways, changing rooms and stairs. Once cured, the product is flame retardant and resists gasoline, oils, acids, alkalis and aliphatic solvents.

You apply the anti-slip coating with a spatula, roller or similar.

A bucket of Big Foot Heavy Duty ranges to approx. 4.65m2, the color is Gray and is a standard epoxy product.

Loctite Big Foot - Zero

This product is a premium product with excellent durability and good working environment characteristics. Big Foot Zero is 100% free of solvents!

This variant can be used i odor-sensitive areas that process foods, hospitals and the like.

A bucket of Loctite Big Foot Zero ranges to approx. 3.25m2, the color is Black.

Need more information?

Give us a call on: 43 44 33 00 or send us an email: